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Subject: Finishing!

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Date Posted: 13:54:19 12/28/02 Sat
In reply to: emma 's message, "more" on 08:38:38 12/28/02 Sat

*That might have just meant that Poco scratched his saddle or dumped Dalton! You decided that Poco got hurt, not me! LOL*
"Poco looks alright, now that he has calmed down. Let's hose him off." Susan said, after they had untacked their horses. "Mike, Dalton, will you take care of feeding the other horses?" Emma asked, examining Poco again. They hosed off the sand and suddenly the injuries didn't look half so bad. "Maybe he won't need any medicine, we'll just give him tomorrow off." Emma said, thoughtfully rubbing his wound. They put him in his stall and Emma slid open Gladiator's stall door. The lovely Arabian gelding snorted eagerly as they groomed his glossy chestnut coat. After puttering around Laughing Brook Stables and doing some chores, Susan and Mike waved goodbye and headed back to their house :-)

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