Subject: Riding Lasting Glory |
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Date Posted: 16:58:53 12/27/02 Fri
I walked over to Glory's stall, a horse treat in hand.The pretty stallion imediately perked up at the smell of a treat."You get the treat when I'm done riding you boy, not now." I said to the tobiano NSH, smiling."You wanna do dressage or saddleseat today, Glory?" I asked the stallion.Since Glory was unable to answer, being a horse, I picked for him, today I would ride him saddleseat.My gaited saddle was on its saddle rack in the tack room, where it usually stayed, I grabbed that, chose a saddlepad from the various ones scattered around the room, & got Glory's bridle down from its hook.I walked back to Glory's stall with the tack & set it down.After putting Glory in the crossties, I quickly tacked him up.The 8 y/o stallion had very good ground manners & held still as I put on his saddle & bridle.I put on my riding helmet, chaps, & gloves.Then I led Glory outside, we braved the cold to walk to one of the indoor flat arena's.I saw my 16 y/o son, Andrew, trotting a QH mare around the arena.I led Glory over to the mounting block, gave him a pat & mounted up.Andrew waved when he saw me.I waved back & shortened my reins a bit.squeezing my legs got Glory to walk on.The NSH stallion was excited to be ridden & strained his head against the reins, trying to go faster.A series of half-halts & sponging on the reins got Glory to settle down as I walked him.Soon, I had Glory going at a quick, ultra-flashy trot.I sat deep into the saddle, bracing myself against the bumpy movement of Glory's trot.In the end(in other words, aftewr about 2 laps of a sitting trot)I decided to post to Glory's trot.My posts were high, but quick, in a up-down movement, instead of an upwards diagonal movement like I posted when riding a hunter, or a showjumper.I then cantered Glory, letting him work off his excess energy.After a bit of cantering, I slowed Glory down to a walk & walked him around for a while.Since Glory wasn't really that tired, I dismounted & took off his saddle & saddlepad.Grabbing a snaffle bit bridle, sitting on a chair by the door of the arena, I quickly exchanged bridles.I set Glory's gaited bridle on the chair, & let go og Glory's reins.Glory was a very sweet stallion, & followed me as I got some poles & standards from where they were, against the wall.When I finished, I had set up a line of 2 low crossrails, plus a few groundpoles layed out by each other on the other side of the arena.I re-mounted Glory, this time, riding him bareback.I walked & trotted Glory over the groundpoles, getting him to go in straight, & getting him to really extend his trot.Then I let him walk over the x-rails.He was good with that, so I trotted him over them.Glory was a little wary of the crossrails this time, but he soon got used to them after I had trotted him over the line of crossrails a few more times.I walked out Glory, then dismounted & put back all of the standards & groundpoles back against the walls of the arena.I grabbed the gaited saddle, & Glory's gaited bridle, & led the 16.1 hand horse back to his stall in the nice, warm barn.I put both of the bridles & the gaited saddle back in the tack room.Then I walked back to Glory's stall & gave him a quick grooming before putting his winter blanket back on.Then I fed the NSH a horse cookie, gave him a pat on the neck...
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