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Subject: *~*!!!*~Powerful Enchantment~*!!!*~*

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Date Posted: 14:49:36 12/29/02 Sun


Helen Smiled and looked up. The sky was clear and cold and the wind whipped around her body as she dashed into the barn. “oooooo it’s cold” she thought as she took out a set of dressage tack and a tack box. She grabbed a lead rope and walked out to a partly wooded paddock! She whistled and a gorgeous chestnut stallion emerged from the bare and leafless trees on the other side of the pasture. He gracefully cantered over to her and slid elegantly to a halt next to the gait, arching his neck and prancing proudly! She smiled and led him back to the barn. She put him in crossties and began to curry his glistening chestnut coat. When she had finished tacking up she buckled on her helmet and led Enchantment out to the dressage arena. She swung into the saddle and nudged him to walk forward. His walk was wonderful with long measured strides. She warmed him up putting him through his gaits. All of them were big and incredibly smooth. After a through warm up Helen asked for a collected canter. Enchantment sprang into an effortless evenly paced gait. She guided him around the arena and then made several circles. Then she made a flying lead change across the diagonal and did the same on the other lead. At her signal her signal he made beautiful transition from canter to walk. She then boosted him up to trot and executed a turn on the forehand. When she asked he stood stubbornly still and tossed his head. After a few minutes of coaxing and discipline and grudgingly turned and then continued down the long side in extended trot. As Helen continued through their smooth work out she smiled and thanked Susan a thousand times for this amazing stallion she was a real and true friend. After working for another 20 minutes Helen hopped off and patted the big 16.3hh horse. She led him into the barn untacked him and toweled him off. She fastened on his blanket and put him in his stall then she walked back to the house to fix dinner.
Helen woke up and stretched in the bed she rolled over and saw Eric watching her. “Morning honey” He said and gave her a kiss “Good morning” she replied smiling. She jumped up and pulled on a barn goddess t-shirt & a pair of jodhpurs. She ran downstairs and started the coffee as she grabbed a box of cornflakes and the milk out of the fridge Eric walked into the kitchen and poured two cups of steaming coffee. They sat down at the table and Helen served up cornflakes. She looked up at the clock. 5:45 AM. After breakfast and a hug she went to the door and pulled on her tall boots and a jacket! As she walked down to the barn a light snowfall powdered the ground and the snow brushed gently past her cheeks. She looked up and breathed the cold air deep into her lungs.
As she walked into the barn she heard Fire whinnying from his stall she opened the door of the large box stall and stepped in. Fire excepted the sugar cube she offered him and the pranced to the door eagerly. “No, not today buddy I am going to ride Enchantment”. Fire gave an indignant buck and walked over to his hay. As Helen closed the door she felt it shudder as fire gave it a frustrated kick. She went to the stall across the aisle where her powerful Swedish warmblood stallion, Enchantment was munching at his morning hay! She led him out into the aisle and clipped the crossties to his halter. She groomed him until he was spotless and shone like a bright penny. Then she tacked him up jumping Style and led him toward one of the indoor arena’s devoted to jumping. Once inside she let go of the rains and Enchantment stood looking at her as she closed the big sliding doors, blocking out the icy wind. Then she led him to the mounting block and swung into the saddle and the powerful stallion dashed off at a canter. “Whoa boy” She said calmly as she turned him in a small circle and slowed him to a walk. After this the warm-up was rather interesting. Enchantment was in a playful and frisky mood suddenly sliding to a halt and turning to try and bite Helen’s boot. After about 20 minutes of this at all his gaits(including uncontrolled and unsignaled gallop) Helen turned him in a straight line toward the first jump and gave him a sharp squeeze. Enchantment was immediately serious and charged at the jump. He Soared over it and Helen felt an uncontrollable sense of release. After this upright came a bounce. The Talented stallion bounced carefully over it and landed lightly. After this the wishing well, brick wall, barrels, triple upright , farelly, fence & Garden log went excellently. She cantered a circle and brought him through trot down to walk. “well you were an awful demon at first but my compliments on the course” Helen said pompously, while patting the stallion barely even dampened coat. They took the couarse once more and then Helen took him back for a warm bath and towel down in the hay scented barn

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