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Subject: °Gracie°

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Date Posted: 06:31:28 12/30/02 Mon

Susan walked out to the paddocks and whistled sharply as she opened one of the gates. Gracie galloped over, tail flagged and neck arched gracefully. The lovely filly tossed her sleek head and stopped elegantly in front of Susan, butting her owner lovingly. “Hey, sweetheart.” Susan cooed, rubbing the sweet filly’s nose gently. She walked to the barn, the filly moving alongside her without a lead rope. “Mom!” Laura said jokingly, when she saw Susan bringing Gracie to the barn like that. Susan winked and hooked the filly in crossties. Susan talked calmly to the filly while she tacked her up. “Good girl, we’re just going to do some work today. Nothing big.” Susan said, leading the Holsteiner to the arena. She clipped the lunge line to the filly and grinned. She worked the filly through all her gaits in both directions. Mike poked his head into the indoor arena and smiled. “You breaking her today?” He asked. “Yeah, but you know how horrible she is with anyone, except for me. I’m sure that she will stand for me, just stay nearby in case.” Susan responded, hoping her suspicion was right. She stood on the mounting block and leaned slightly on the filly’s back. Gracie tossed her head and eyed Susan carefully. “Easy girl, it’s just me.” Susan cooed and the filly relaxed. Slowly, Susan eased into the saddle. She sat upright and let the filly feel her weight. Gracie broke into a soft trot, frolicking around. “Whoa, girl.” Susan said softly and dismounted, leading her marvelous filly back to the barn :-)

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