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Subject: Jump Training Begins with Kentucky Flame!

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Date Posted: 04:10:52 01/03/03 Fri

Susan opened Kent’s stall door and led the 3 y/o TB/QH colt out into the barn aisle. His glossy light bay coat shone in the pale January sunlight and he snorted eagerly, glossy muscles rippling. He trumpeted to the rest of the farm and she laughed. “Chill, baby.” She cooed, brushing him off quickly and then saddling him with ease. He stood patiently as she tightened the girth and strapped on her helmet. She slipped the bit easily into the colt’s mouth and led him to the indoor arena. He snorted and danced around as she swung effortlessly into the saddle. Gathering the reins firmly, she smiled. “Alright, baby, let’s go.” She said, squeezing lightly. Kent stepped out in a smooth, long walk, his neck already coming into a natural hunter frame. Susan smiled and bent the young horse around her leg through some circles. She smiled the colt seemed to read her mind sometimes, with his light, responsive way of moving. It was hard to believe how willing he was. He had been a delight to train and, although his foal training was hard, the rest was awesome! Susan smiled and asked for a trot. The colt glided forward, tail held proudly. “Gorgeous, Kent.” She whispered, urging his to go a little faster. He responded eagerly and moved out with big, flowing strides. She took him through some serpentines and circles at trot, before sliding her leg back and asking for a canter. He moved out instantly, light and perky, but on the wrong lead. She squeezed firmly and he did a decent flying lead change. “Hard for you, baby, but good job.” She praised, knowing that movement was above his level. Kent seemed balanced and very calm as he moved the canter section of his warm up. After warm up was finished, she halted him and looked over the ground poles she had set up. Kent should take them easily, just like last time and today she was hoping to jump a small crossrail. She urged him into a trot and guided him over the four poles. She posted firmly and he confidently glided over them. “Good boy!” She praised, patting his glossy coat. She took him over them again. This time, she crouched lightly over his withers in half seat position. He whinnied proudly as he did them perfectly again. She took a deep breath and rode him firmly towards a small crossrail at the top of the ring. She urged him toward it, and she could feel his steps becoming choppier and more hesitant. “C’mon, Keny, baby!” She cheered, pressing her legs on him. He nickered nervously and leapt it like a 2’ fence, landing in a rigid, tense canter. “Easy, boy.” She said, slowing him down and patting him proudly. “One more time.” Susan muttered, touching him with her legs. He sprang into a light trot and she encouraged him to jump the small crossrail. He tossed his head nervously and jumped quickly, as though it would bite him. Deciding to end on a good note, Susan rode him back to the barn, where he was untacked and given a warm bath :-)

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