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Subject: Working with Magic and a visit!

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Date Posted: 14:26:33 01/04/03 Sat

Susan smiled and walked out to Magic’s paddock, yellow & green lead rope in hand. She opened the gate and whistled smoothly. The tall gorgeous Friesian stallion thundered powerfully over to her, his muscles rippling beneath his glossy coat. “Hey, honey.” Susan cooed, rubbing his nose gently. He trumpeted loudly as they headed towards the barn. Susan hooked the spirited stallion in crossties and and brushed off his sleek glossy coat. “Susan?” Mike said, walking into the barn. “Yeah, hon?” She asked, walking over. “Is Alan coming over today?” Mike replied. “Yeah, he is coming to spend 2 weeks here, helping me with some stuff around GRF and he is bringing a pair of trouble horses for me to help him with.” She joked, grinning. Alan Rakes was her “little” brother, even though he was about 6’4” and she was about 5’7”. She smiled happily and continued to tack up Magic, who was prancing eagerly in the crossties. Susan slipped the bit in the stallions’s mouth and buckled the bridle gently. “Alright, Magic, let’s do some work.” She said, as she led him out to the arena and gathered the reins in her left hand. She swung into the saddle and patted his sleek neck with her gloved hand. She squeezed firmly and Magic moved out in a strong walk. His smooth, even stride was very comfortable and he was very calm during rides, with his mind on business. Susan urged him through some very easy figures, circles and serpentines at walk. He kept his rythym and tempo the same and bent perfectly around her leg. “Good boy.” Susan praised, pressing her legs against his sides. He moved into a nice trot, back rounded and in a nice hunter frame. She posted lightly, and asked for some collections and extensions as they did their circles. Warm up was very pleasureable on a highly trained stallion like Magic. He moved swiftly through every figure as Susan guided him through the final parts of warm up at the canter. Then, she urged him towards a 1’ fence. He leapt it easily, his 17.1h frame rising in a perfect arc over the jump. Susan smiled and asked him to begin a 3’ jumper course. He bounced eagerly over the first fence and leapt the next two boldly. “C’mon, Magic.” Susan encouraged, as they headed into the the triple. Magic soared through each of the three parts and finished the wonderful course, with a bold jump over the liverpool. Susan patted him and let him walk around on a long rein. Suddenly, she saw a guy walking towards the ring. It was her brother, Alan. The tall man had black hair and a nice smile. She squeezed firmly and Magic leapt into a gallop. They thundered towards Alan, who grinned. “Couldn’t wait for me to get here?” He joked, patting Magic as the stallion slowed down. Susan dismounted and gave him a hug. They untacked Magic and then she showed him some of the newer horses. “I can’t believe you keep this devil.” Alan said, shaking his head as Gracie nipped at him. “She’s an angel!” Susan argued, rubbing the filly who whickered with pleasure. “Too much of a one person horse!” Alan said, as they walked out to his trailer. He opened the door and came out leading a pair of adorable ponies:

*Yosemite Sam*

*Sandy Point Beauty*
“Aren’t they adorable?” Alan said, patting them. Susan surveyed them. They seemed very calm with Alan. “What’s the problem with them?” She asked. “They aren’t listening well for their training. This paint Chincoteague Pony is named Sam, he is broken to rider and is just plain troublesome and mischeivious. Sandy is a Icelandic Pony and she is really mischievious under saddle as well. They are both 4 y/o.” He replied. Susan showed him where to turn the pair out and then they headed back to the house to discuss training :-)

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