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Subject: Training Priceless Integrity (Integrity) LANA CONTINUE>>

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Date Posted: 03:51:06 01/06/03 Mon

I slipped into the fillys stall and gave her a pat. She stood still politely, as she had a sweet and gentle nature, but it was obviuosly she was eager to exercise. I clipped a lead rope ot the end of her halter and lead her outside into the saddling area. I gave her a good grooming and then untied her- and walked the flighty arabian to the schooling ring. There, I attatched a lunge line to her and I asked her to walk on, in a circle around me. She trotted skittishly but I soon got her under cotnrol and slowed her ot a walk. She then moved easily and calmly. He walk was free flowing and graceful, her good conformation making her look extra elegant. I encouraged her to move into a trot and she eagerly took this opportunity. Although it was the trot she worked smoothly with very little bounce. I smiled as I thought about what a dream it would be to ride her. Iafter 10 more mins of warmig her up.. I brought her in and halted her. I gently placed on a saddle blanket where the saddle would normally go. She stood still as I had done this with her many times before and she was used to it now. This time however, I placed a lightweight girth on her back as well. she barely flinched as I loosely fastened it around her middle. This was to get her used to having both something on her back and having some pressure around her middle. I held the side of her halter and began to walk her. As the grith moved gently against her belly, she shied and side stepped away, but when she realised it wasn’t going to hurt her, she relaxed and returned to her regular paces. After a few more mins, I slightly tightened the girth and once again walked her around the schooling ring. I then removed her equpitment and cooled her down. I thought this was enough for one day and turned her out into her normal paddock for the rest of the afternoon.

Lana plz continue (is ur name still lana? I’m very confused with all of this name changing! Lol)

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