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Subject: Riding Lots of Horses!

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Date Posted: 15:20:06 01/08/03 Wed

Here is what I did :-

walked calmly, started to speed up; posting trot; Rebel got lazy ; sitting trot, canter, slow gallops, jumping 3' fences and X's. Walked slowly again, did the same thing all over again, only this time, faster and with a crop.
rode: 45 min.

walked very swiftly, sitting trot, standing trot...fast canter...needed to slow down a lot; soft, not very easy gallop in the meadow; jumped aabout 4' logs and when returned jumped 5' Xs and fences and double oxers and so forth. Did some more cantering, working on not going too fast since she's aging.
rode: 35 min.

Camelot King
walked calmly for awhile trotted; sitting trot, posting trot and standing trot; canter, pretty swift pretty calm also cantered for a few minutes; no galloping; "jumping" 18" crossrails walked for awhile again and went over caveletis.
rode: 22 min.

Something to Talk About "Morris"
walked, pretty quickly but relaxed; trotted for a few minutes sitting trot; walked; trotted again awhile posting trot; canter, slowly, walked, canter quickly, walked, jumped 4' walked again sitting trot, standing trot, slow rocky canter walk
rode: 40 min.

Silver N' Gold
walked slowly, sitting trot..walked; posting trot; walked; slow rocky canterl walked; quick canter; walked; very slow introduction to gallop; walk caveletis, walked for awhile and dismounted
rode: 25 min.

tackedup, tried to walk around the arena stright, wouldn't work he went crookedy and ws very tense and kept wanting to break to a trot. let him trot. he ended up galloping slowly, got worn out, started to edge in closer to the rail, dismounted

Spanish Pirate
walk, standing trot, posting trot, walk; sitting trot, slow; canter slow and rocky, walk, slow gallop, walk, quick canter, walk 3' jumping walk
22 min.

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