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Subject: Riding Front Page News

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Date Posted: 16:56:49 01/13/03 Mon

I swung my leg over the polished black saddle of my beautiful gray Hungarian Warmblood. His name was Front Page News. Page for short. I barly asked him for a walk and he strode out at a fast paced walk. After a few minutes i asked him for a trot and i posted easily to his smooth trot. After 2 laps i sat to his trot for a few rounds. Then i asked him for a walk. I let him walk for 2 laps then i asked him for a canter. He moved into the faster gait. I sat to his rocking horse gait easily. We went around 4 times then i asked him for a walk. I walked him for a few laps then i dismounted and ground tied him and then walked over to the 5 jump that were set up in a line and i lowered them from 4'6ft to 1ft. Then i went back over to Page and mounted. I asked him for a trot then i pointed him towards the line of 5 jumps. He troted over the first one beautifully. Then we went over the next 4. He seemed bored so i dismounted and set them to 2'6ft. Again he went over them as if he was bored. I dismounted yet again a set them a 3'6ft. He seemed to wake up then. I cantered him towards them and he soared over each one with room to spare. I prasied him and then let him walk around the arena on loose rein for 10 minutes. Then i dismounted and pulled up the stirrups and undid the girth which i threw over the saddle. Then i led him up to the stallion barn and untacked him. I slipped off his bridle and put on his halter. Then i crosstied him and pulled the saddle off his sweating back. I took the saddle and bridle and put it in the tack room on a cleaning stand so that i could clean it later. Then i went and clipped a lead rope onto his halter and led him to one of the grooming stalls. Then i groomed him and led him over to one of the wash stalls. I hosed him down and then towel dried him. Then i led him back to the grooming stall and gave him a brush down then i vacumed him. Then i put on his turnout blanket and led him down to his paddock and turned him loose. Then i closed the gate and made sure that it was closed good. Then i walked up to barn and cleaned Page's tack and hung it up. Then i took his saddle pad over to the laundry room along with a whole bunch of other stuff that needed to be washed and i turned on the washer and went back to the tack room and cleaned all the stallions tack. Then i went up to the house and then went with Aaron into town to buy some things we were in need of........


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