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Subject: Riding my fave horse, Riverman

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Date Posted: 23:27:04 01/14/03 Tue

I go to Riverman's stall with a huge smile. I love every minute with him. I walk upto his stall and he pokes his head and nickers a hello. I give him a carrot, and he munches on it happily. "Time to go" i say. I lead him out and crosstie him, then groom him and put the tack on him. I mount the grey stallion and sit in the saddle. I walk him and feel his muscles underneath me. We walk out to the outdoor arena. There were some 6ft jumps there. Lets go i said to Riverman. I cantered him gracefully over the jumps. He jumped so effortesly. I think about the time i bought him, i had to pay like $200,000 for him. I smiled and thought Its deffinetly worth it. He only jumped 4ft at that time, but then i trained him to jump higher. and now he jumps 6ft i thought. I can't train him any higher. After the jumps i cooled him down. I said to him "I'm never selling you, your worht your weight in gold already" He bobbed his head up and down if agreeing with me. I smiled.

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