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Subject: A Trail Ride

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Date Posted: 14:47:11 02/05/03 Wed

*****There was a slight breeze and it was getting warmer. Alana parked her truck and walked to the stallion barn. She kept walking until she finally came the stall. Inside was a light bay stallion. He looked out of the door and stomped a foot. He knew where he was going. Alana took him out on cross ties. She groomed the beautiful light bay. He closed his eyes enjoying the brushing. She walked to the tack room and grabbed his bridle and saddle. She tacked him up and led him to the trails. Alana mounted Rodney and turned him to one of the paths. She put Rodney into a walk for about 5 min. then asked him to trot. Then, they cantered up the trail for a while. There was a good sized fallen tree that was stretched across the path. Alana centered Rodney to it. Rodney saw the log and pricked his ears forward. Alana brought him to a canter. They approached closer. Alana lifted up in the seat and they sailed across with inchs to spare. "Goodboy!" Alana said patting him on the shoulder. It was getting late, they turned around and headed back for the barn.

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