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Subject: Riding Splash!

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Date Posted: 18:49:30 02/05/03 Wed

Tessa swung lightly into Splash's sadde and corrected her position. Splash seemed eager to get started as he started off at a walk. "Good boy," she murmered as she cued him for a trot. Tessa closed her fingers on the reins and reduced her posting to very small posts. Spalsh shortened her stride and tucked his head in. They trotted around at a collected trot. After a couple of laps she asked him to extend his trot by exaggerating her posting and urging him on with her legs. She pushed him over 3 ground poles. Tessa brought her outside leg back and tapped him lightly with it. He moved off into a smooth canter. He was a great horse. Tessa stood in the saddle in 2-point. Then she sat back and slowed him back down to a trot. She stayed in 2-point leaning over his neck as he trotted over the groundpoles again. She relaxed back into the saddle pushing her heels down as they trotted over the ground poles again. Then she manuevered him in a couple 20 meter circles. Feeling him relax on the bit as he arched his neck, throwing his legs into the trot, she smiled. "Good boy," she patted his neck. Then she pulled back softly on the reins bringing him back to a walk. She let him have all the rein he wanted as she cooled him out. She patted his black and white neck as he arched his neck as he walked around. He was a dressage natural even as he walked around on free rein. He arched his neck and stepped out smoothly. Tessa felt almost as if she was walking on air. After cooling him down all the way she dismounted, bringing the reins over his head. He nuzzled her and in return she scratched his forelock. He loved that. She brought him back up to the barn grinning from ear-to-ear at the magnificent colt!

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