Shayla, Aaron and Kaylee
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Date Posted: 22:35:06 02/08/03 Sat
*Shayla struggled to mount Mach Three, a 18hh Bay Thoroughbred stallion. "Want a leg up Shay?" Aaron asked his wife. "YES!" Shayla said with exasperated relief. "Ok just a minute. Hey Kay, come hold Glass for me for a minute while i give your mom a leg up." Kaylee went over to Glass and held onto her reins. Then Aaron went over to Shayla and gave her a leg up. Once Shayla is mounted on Mach Three, Aaron swings into Glass’s saddle. Shayla and Aaron strap there helmets then Kaylee helps them to get the excited horses on the track. Shayla and Aaron warmed up their horses then once the horses were warmed up Kaylee helped her parents get the horses into the gate. Then she walked over the the starter box and climbed the steps to the top. Then she went in the door and turned on the automatic timer and flipped the gates. The timer started running. The horses and riders burst out of the gate. Mach Three took the lead and Glacier Melt was 2 lengths behind. Then Mach Three made another sudden burst of speed. Shayla was rating him still and the horse was still flying. When they came around the far bend Shayla let him out all the way. They sped down the stretch. 2 lenghts...3 lengths...4 lengths. Finally just as they were nearing the wire Mach Three made one more burst of speed and flew under the wire the winner by 8 lenghts. They started pulling up their horses. Glacier Melt was a game filly who had recently won the Triple Tiara and she had still been beaten by Mach Three. "That was AWESOME!" Shayla yelled back to Aaron. "I know!" he replied. Then Kaylee came running out of the starter box. "LOOK AT MACH'S TIME!" She shouted. Shayla looked at the clock. It read 1:08. Shayla said, "OH MY GOD! We ran 6 furlongs in 1:08 minutes? Seattle Slew could only do it in 1:10 and a 1/5!" "Good work mom!" Kaylee said. "Now no one say a word about this to ANYONE! I want to surprise everyone on Derby day.".................
A few weeks later:
They worked Mach Three regualarly working him up for the derby....
A few more weeks later:
They shipped him over to Churchill Downs 2 weeks before the race.......
2 weeks later:
It was one day before the derby and he was ready to go. We gave him a light work on the track.......
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