Subject: Sweet October |
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Date Posted: 19:42:02 02/09/03 Sun
*Saddle leads Sweet October in from the paddock. The big chestnut stallion prances next to her, showing off in the cool winter air. she takes him into the barn and crossties him, then grooms his shining chestnut coat. The stallion ripples his muscles contently and chews on the crosstie. Saddle gets out a dressage saddle, his double bridle and a set of splint boots. She puts the splint boots on to protect his legs, then puts a clean black saddle pad on him, then his saddle, girth and bridle. She picks up her long dressage whip and leads him to the indoor ring. She warms him up on a long rein, then takes up some rein and asks him to trot. He moves into a long, flowing trot instantly, and Saddle keeps him busy by doing some lateral work and some circles. She changes directions several times, then asks him to canter. He bucks once playfully, then moves into a canter, round and on the bit, his ears flicking back and forth listening to Saddle. She gently sponges the reins and keeps light leg pressure on his sides Saddle goes across the ring and does a simple change at X, then canters the stallion in the other direction, then she does a figure 8 at the canter, working on his counter canter. The stallion's counter canter was light and balanced and he easily did the 20-meter circle, then almost effortlessly did another circle on the correct lead. After a few counter canters left, Saddle changes leads and does a counter canter right with October. The stallion has no trouble with this excersise either. After a little more lateral work, Saddle cools him out, then takes him to the barn to untack, groom and blanket him before turning him out.*
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