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Subject: Shayla's horses in training come to Timeless Farm

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Date Posted: 10:43:13 02/18/03 Tue

"It feels so lonely around here with all of the horses away," Arianna says."Well, you know I had to at least get my valuable horses out of state so they had less of a chance of catching Equine Herpes.Its starting to spread around the state.And then you & your sisters & brother wanted your horses to go as well, so all we have left here are the lesson horses." Dana says."By the way," she says, "Shayla, before most of her stock died, trailered some of her horses over to her parents farm.Four of them are coming here for training.Since there going ot be isolated from the horses here, it should be all right.I'm going to work with them in the indoor arena to the far right which we hardly use.Its pretty messyy, so I'm going to have a job cleaning hte place up, but once I'm done with that, the arena will be fine to work Shayla's horses in." Arianna replies "Thank God Shayla moved some of her horses, or the ones coming in for training would probably be dead by now." Dana tells her "They haven't showed any symptoms of Equine Herpes & its been several days since they've been there.I did a vet check on them, & there completely healthy young horses." Arianna says "phew, thats good." Dana smiles.Just then, they hear the sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway."That mus be them!" Dana exclaims.She walks outside with Arianna following her.There was a horse van parked in the driveway, pulled by a big truck.Two people get out of the truck.There Shayla's parents."Hi there," Dana says, greeting them.They say hi back."Well, should we unload the horses?" Dana asks.Shayla's parents nod, & Arianan & Dana quickly grab leadropes from the barn & help Shayla's parents unload the horses.Jasmine, Jewel & Andrew come out & help hold the horses as Dana & Shayla's parents take off the horses traveling equipment.They all put the horses in there paddocks, & then load all of the traveling equipment back intot he truck.Shayla's parents say bye, give Dana a list of what the horses need to be fed, & drive off.Jasmine, Andrew & Jewel head back off to whatever they were doing, Arianna decides to go with Dana to the feed store to buy an extra supplement that Shayla's horses need, since Dana doesn't keep it with her feed.They get in Dana's truck & Dana starts the engine & they pull out of the drvieway.....

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