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Subject: Riding and Bringing home horses

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Date Posted: 19:33:48 02/20/03 Thu

it had been a month since the Equine Herpes virus has killed almost half of the Flicker Of Hope Horses. All of the other horses had remained healthy, but there was still a fear that one of the horses become sick. Saddle was making arrangements to have the barn that had been used as a hospital for the sick horses to be burnt down to ensure that the virus did not spread. The stalls of the horses that had become sick had been cleaned several times with a strong disinfectant to kill any traces of the virus and the infected horses tack had been burned along with anything used on or near them. Now that everything had settled down, Saddle wanted to ride her remaining horses. First she gets Lady out of the paddock. The mare had been Travis's responsibility until his mare had been put to sleep, but he no longer wanted anything to do with horses. Saddle tacks the pretty dun mare up quickly, then takes her to the ring, mounts and warms her up. Once she is warmed up, Saddle works on her trot-canter-trot transitions for a little while. The dun mare had gotten out of shape since nobody had been riding her. Next Saddle rides Trent. Luckily the dark stallion had not become sick, he had been near the infected horses. He was in high spirits and spent most of the ride playfully bucking and sidestepping. Saddle tries to work on his lateral work, but after the millionth bucking leg yeild, she takes him on a long trail ride and does some cantering uphill and downhill, this way the stallion could work off his energy without the chance to buck. Then she takes him back to the barn and cools him out, untacks him and puts him away. Then Saddle gets on October. The liver chestnut holsteiner was very calm. Saddle jumps him over a 6' course, then cools him out and puts him away. Then she gets her trailer and drives over to Timeless Farms and picks up her new broodmares. Dana helps her get the mares on the trailer and then Saddle takes the mares home. Kelsey runs down from the house to help unload the mares, Fancy, Mystic, Tina and Tee. "Wow Mom, these are beautiful horses. Do any of them ride?" Kelsey asks. "They are all rideable, except Fancy who is lame and Tee who is not safe, but they're all older" Saddle tells her. Kelsey had wanted another riding horse since two of her horses had died from the virus. "There may be a suprise for you soon Kelsey" Saddle tells her mysteriously. "Tell me! Tell me!" Kelsey exclaims. "Nothings finalized yet, so i'm not telling you anything" Saddle replies. "Not help me put these mares away" Saddle tells her in a commanding tone. Kelsey helps put the mares in freshly bedded stalls, then helps Saddle feed and checks over Tori one more time. Then she goes up to the house with Saddle*

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