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Subject: Jumping 5' with Knight's Honor

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Date Posted: 07:24:42 02/26/03 Wed

I opened Knight’s stall door and patted the sleek black stallion. He whickered eagerly as I curried his smooth coat. He had started to lose his winter coat and was becoming the handsome glossy stallion that he usually was. I was proud of his acheivement as a stud and his progress as a eventer. His jumping was improving, not in height, but in style and ability. His dressage was becoming more free flowing and graceful. I quickly laid the jumping saddle on his back and tightened the girth. He snorted with pleasure as I bridled him. We walked out to the arena and I mounted. He frisked around, lightly on the bit. His movement was easy and energetic. I worked him through circles at the walk and trot. He soon was supple and had lots of impulsion. I then signaled for the canter. He launched smoothly forward, but jerked his head through the transition. I did a circle with him, as praise for getting the right lead, but went back to correct the stiffness of the transition. We did several halt – canter transitions and he was much better. After some work at the canter, I was going to school him over some fences. I rode him firmly towards a 2’6” warm up fence and pushed him boldly towards it. He leapt it easily, his big muscles rippling. I guided him at a rolling canter towards the first jump, a 5’ spread. He soared over it, with room to spare. I grinned. The incredible jumper was very talented and had improved his jumping immensely. He lifted over each jump with confidence and finished with a successful triple. I grinned and circled him at the canter, helping him balance. I walked him on a loose rein a little, proud of him. He pranced eagerly as I dismounted and led him back to the barn. :-)

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