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Subject: Schooling Kiss on the flat!

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Date Posted: 07:27:15 02/26/03 Wed

I sat in the barn office and scribbled out notes about my last ride with Knight. The handsome stallion had done well and we were going to be competing in a large show soon. I signed my name at the bottom of the show entries, before placing them in a pile of things to be mailed. I thought for a moment and decided to ride Kiss. The pretty Morgan had lots of potential in all sorts of events. I opened her stall door and she whickered happily. Her sleek bay coat was healthy and full of shine. She would be competing in a young horse show next week. It was invitational and she would probably do very well. I quickly brushed her already spotless coat and tacked her up in dressage tack. The 2 y/o was very obedient at the walk, trot, and canter, so I thought it was time to begin her dressage training. I led her out to the arena and swung lightly into the saddle. I maintained a perfect position and a firm contact at the halt until she relaxed and dropped her poll. I asked for a walk and we worked on staying easy and light. She seemed to have difficulty adjusting to the new tack, because she was used to huntseat. I prefered to start younger horses in dressage so that they were used to precise degrees of control, before I tried to jump with them. I worked her at the walk, trot, and canter, before deciding to try some lateral work. I leg yielded her some and felt her easy concentration. After halting her, I began to think. Kiss was calm and relaxed under saddle with a gentle, willing disposition. I worked her through several tricky transitions and felt her light movement. She seemed like a natural dressage horse, elegant and free flowing. I had worked her for about an hour and she was still eager to go. “Hush, Kiss.” I cooed, patting her coat. I rode her out of the arena. It was still chilly, but the sun was peeking out from behind a cloud and it was a pleasant day. I walked her on a loose rein in the jumping field until she was calmed. I dismounted and led her to the barn. After untacking, I hosed her off with warm water before turning her out in her paddock :-)

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