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Subject: Jumping with Magic!

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Date Posted: 17:30:06 02/27/03 Thu

Lana smiled as she walked over to Magic's stall. The black mare stood inside and whinnied eagerly. "Hey girlie," she smiled as she let the mare out of her stall and clipped her in the cross-ties. Lana gave the mare a loose grooming and tacked her up. Lana led her outside of the barn. She mounted the mare with help from a mounting block and gathered the reins. "And here we go!" she called as she squeezed the mare toward the jumping arena. In the arena Lana had already set up some 3' 6" jumps and they were all ready. She pushed the mare through their regular warm up and then asked her for a canter. Magic rocked back on her haunches and flew over the first jump with ease. "Good girl," Lana cooed as she aimed her toward the next jump. The mare easily lifted herself up and over with Lana up in 2-point. As they were in the air Lana started turning the mare around to the next triple, slightly behind them. The mare gamely cantered up to it and soared over it her 16hh frame rising in a perfect ark! "Great!" Lana exclaimed patting the mares neck as she cooled her out. She smiled as she dismounted and loosened the girth, then running up the stirrups. She led the mare back too the barn and untacked her. She groomed her and put on a light blanket and set her out in her paddock. She watched as the big mare galloped eagerly around the paddock stopping right in fron of where Lana sat on the rail. She scratched her neck and sent her off again, smiling!:-)

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