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Date Posted: 21:44:04 06/30/01 Sat
Author: Barristro
Subject: Everyone said Barristro took too much pleasure in his job...

...but nothing could be further from the truth. The bulky Predacon despised most of his clients, but he was great at his job and the energon was hard to turn down. In many ways Barristro was secretly glad Raph Sar never made it to trial, or that he never had to worry about Maull's most recent appeal. Still, there had been occasions, rare ones, that his client had not only claimed innocence, but he himself believed the string of words artistically strung together and launched at the judge and jury, the barrage of defensive nonsense, was valid.

Thinking of the judge and jury now snapped Barristro out of his usual melancholic ponderings; Nores was a hardass judge, and impatient too. Barristro felt as though he had been very far away, and that everyone had been waiting for him for a lot more than a few minutes. A quick glance around the room revealed many with far-away gazes mirroring his own, especially he noted with guilty glee, the jury. Of course THEY looked miles away mentally; in all the centuries since the system had been in practice, what being WOULD'NT rather be doing their normal, day-to-day routine. "Let someone else worry about it" was the mantra of the centuries. Barristro hated that he would exploit this, his optics lingering on one juror buried in a holonovel while another sketched logos on a small grid-pad, but exploit it he would. More than his salary, Barristro enjoyed winning, plain and simple. It was this competitive nature that drove him forward, earning him the nickname "The Sharkticon Attorney."

As his assistant slid out of the way of his rotund belly, Barristro mused on the other reason for the nickname: his Sharkticon body. How his spark had ended up in the antiquated shell of a long-forgotten species of Quintesson guards was a tale for another day. Scratching at one of his large, metal teeth, Barristro began to weave.

"ACCCCHHHEGM! Ladies, gentleman, mechanoids and other! Thank you for gathering here on this fine, scorching day, to listen to me. I'm sure our good Captain will repair the damage done to the air conditioning unit in this sector; it's not like he's off chit-chatting with old friends; but I digress."

Barristro smiled as a chuckle or two came from the jury box. His tangent was no accident; while the Captain was much-beloved, a few words phrased as a harmless joke would get him some sympathy and relax those to whom he would be pleading his case. He continued on with his opening remarks.

"My client could not be here today, as you see by the AVbot display of his cell, where he remains inert. My client is too dangerous, they say, contained thanks to a special unit provided by visiting friends from Colony Omicron. My client is charged with the attempted murder of Officer Jon Matthews, party to a massacre in both the Docking Bay and the Brig, and an accomplice in the kidnapping of our beloved warden Alcatraz. My client is the scum of the universe, against every principle Rugby stands for. Or is he? Sitting right behind me, is one of our security officers. Does Lieutenant Rotor represent what Rugby is supposed to stand for? Were it not for his special abilities to drain energy from even inert matter, this reckless officer's cowboy maneuver, in which he teleported Dinotron's very heart, his engine from his body, could well have killed my client. THIS is the condition on which we judge? Suppose his cell's life support had malfunctioned...so soon after the damage incurred by the WR@, there was no guarantee the equipment would work--none whatsoever! Why, we STILL aren't at 100% now! Rotor himself could well have been a murderer!

Your honor, beings of the jury, I know what Dinotron did was wrong, I know we mourn the loss of those who suffered in these needless tragedy, but perhaps it was provoked. Perhaps....things did not have to go as far as they did. I realize there will be some consequence to Dinotron's actions, but I ask that you consider leniency--will killing him make us any better? How can we decide another's fate if we commit the same dread act we condemn him for? Today, we will try and find that answer together, and I hope you feel mercy. Thank you."

Barristro took his seat, avoiding eye contact with either Masonite or Anakin, the two prosecutors, the former from SBR; the latter from Omicron. A smug smile played across his face unbidden.

Barristro hated his job, but he was damn good at it.

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