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The locust did not look up from picking through the remains of his experiments. After a few seconds of silence he spoke in a harsh whisper. “I did not have you installed because I enjoy useless declarations.”
“…I am sorry sir. Damages are: primary thrusters, secondary boosters, navigation equipment, chronometer, primary weapons, high quantitative scanners…”
“Enough. I hazard a guess that the list of what is working is noticeably shorter.”
“Affirmative sir. Qualitative scanners, life-support, secondary, mid and short range communications,
secondary power to the lab.”
The locust gagged and sighed. “I am sure you lost my data.”
“…I was able to make backups of some of the files sir, but with the limited memory only the recent ones.”
“A good help you are. If I keep you for a next time allocate memory for my research and delete yourself.”
The computer system’s voice cracked “…I… am sorry sir… I will be sure not to displease if you decide to keep me…” The locust went back to piddling with his work. Suddenly the computer spoke again. “I… I am sorry to disturb you again sir, but we have a reply. ”
The locust turned around. “Replay the message. ” The locust listened and nodded. In his usual harsh whisper the locust spoke “…I fear I have no choice but to humble myself… for now. Computer, transmit the following reply…”
“This is the Scalar. You may refer to me as Psyanide. I am a refugee from Cybertron. I am transmitting a record of damages to my ship, and I request assistance… I also require one with knowledge of Cybertronian physiology to help treat my condition. I will reveal more at a later time. ”
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