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Date Posted: 20:10:49 09/06/01 Thu
Author: Return to Forever & Intent to Return
Author Host/IP: snjts1-33-55.jersey.net /
Subject: *Squeal*
In reply to: Sure-Fire 's message, "*Friendly nicker*" on 15:45:07 09/06/01 Thu

*she reluctantly accepts the rule of this stallion, still not thinking it right, this ebon one was in league with the two legged human, she causiously follows him along, but at a distance of a few lengths*

*the foal squeals, bounding towards it's mother, the fiery femme gallops over to the colt, plush searching every inch of mahogany pelt, scared the human did something to her beloved first foal, upon finding none she relaxes a bit, head snaking around to look for her new stallion*

*She watches with pinned ears as the stallion sniffs her foal, still wary of him, she squeals angrily, warning him not to get to close, she fights the lead a bit, tossing her head, lifting it up into the air and turning to look at everything, trying to find an oppurtunity to escape, she gives a warning kick towards the stallion, warning him again as he nips her, finally out in the pasture she gallops, enjoying the feeling of the wind rippling through flame hued mane and tail, finally she stops, watching the other mares curiously, not letting them get too near her foal*

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