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Date Posted: 19:18:42 09/08/01 Sat
Author: Derby Fire,Firey Challenge
Author Host/IP: d105.as0.mcnv.oh.voyager.net /
Subject: Enters once more only this time in the truck

The mare still trying to roll banged around in the back of the truck unable to get up.Screaming a savage challenge to the human daring her to tuch her near yearling.
The filly slid to her knees and whistled in fear.Her eyes rolling she opened her mouth showing her small teeth.Shaking she pinned herears back.Gaining her feet.She tried to jump but her mother's foot caught her and made her fall to her side knocking the wind out of her.The mare stopped banging her legs when she caught her daughters legs.Lifting her head and neck she bit at her stomache making it bleed.

(ooc:One of my mares really did have colic and I was confined to how much work it was.The vet wasn't in and we were out of oil so it took a lot of time but fortunely she wasn't bred to and she recovered .We had caught it right on time.)

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