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Date Posted: 10:09:32 09/03/01 Mon
Author: Michelle
Author Host/IP: spider-tj041.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: The girl watches the foal and it;s mom

*The girl walks over. She throws in some carrots and hay. She fills the water buckets with fresh water. *
*A black yearling steps up behind Michelle. He nuzzles her, then takes a bite of one of the carrots. He jumps when he sees the other mare and foal. He tries to get in with them, he is curious. Michelle shoves him out. She hooks a lead rope on him, and leads him to his stall.**Michelle walks away from him and unhooks the stall door. She slowly walks in, towards the mare. The colt already feels a little more safer with her than the mare. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a big, juicy apple. She waits for the mare's response. Then, she ties the mare quickly to the steel bar, which she cannot break it, ever. She carefully begins brushing, which feels good with to the mare's sweaty hide. She hoses down the mare & foal, and then brushes them both. She puts in shine stuff to their once dull coats,and then they shine like stars. Sh likes this mare. She smiles. Their mane is ratted, so she soaks it with conditioner. When she knows the mare is not sick, she takes her out into the arena. First, she applies her weight to her side, and waits the mare to respond.

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