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Date Posted: 09:15:09 05/19/03 Mon
Author: Amanda
Subject: Found bfather..baby crystal 12/16/75

Hello, I have searched and found my bfather to find he doesn't even want to talk to me. OH WELL>>...he is connected to bikers as I thought and even had his name tattoo'd on his arm. Also, I have siblings! Michelle divorcd him 1977, my mom divorced him in 1978, and he then had three children with BOnnie who I have found as well. We found one sibling as well but adoptve father refuses us contact.
The bdad---William C SChmidt Jr. Born 6-56
The bmoms_--first Michelle schmidt born in 54-59, then Barbara bonde who died in 1982, and had me. Michelle had 1-3 children with him. Rebecca was born in 75 as was I. Also, there is Bonnie whom had three children with Bill. There was a fourth that died in infantsy, of hepatitis. Misty, who was found born in 1979. Her adoptive name is Mcgregor. Then Bobbie (female) born in 1983, and William born in 1984. William had the nickname buddy. The father was horribly abusive, and was able to get the children adopted and taken from Bonnie in 1986. I don't rememeber him as a child but I had an instant fear of him.
please email if u know any of these people.


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