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Date Posted: 14:38:45 05/24/03 Sat
Author: No name
Subject: In search of niece and cousins

I'm from
Westvirginia and i have been searching for my niece and
cousins for some time now and also trying to help a friend find his
daughter as well,,,my search for my niece and cousins...in 1979 my
brother in law (ralph d pratt)was seeing a girl named (veronica lynn
mcfatridge )she became pregnant with his child but had left him for
someone else my cousin on my side,,(carl w waugh)...she and carl
lived here in the area when she gave birth to my niece.. (cecilia
downna marie mcfatridge)on 10/16/79 in wheeling wv...she said she
gave cecilia her
maiden name but she may have given her waugh as a last name....my
brother in law only got to see the baby a few times she wouldnt
allow visits after a while,,,she became pregnant again soon after
with (carl e waugh) which would b my 2nd cousin born 9/17/80 in
steubenville ohio....they
then moved to atlanta ga where she had lost the children they were
taken from her by the dept of human resources there at one of the
hospitals ...also after that the birth mother and her husband moved
back to wv where she had 4 other children whom were all taken by the
wheeling wv dhs there(all would b my cousins)...then she and her
husband divorced and she moved to the state of ohio (where i found
her&her son from another guy she was with they had 2 sons) on my
search for my niece and recieved this much info.. also if there is anyone in Ga
that can
help me in my search for the above children (my niece&cousins )please
e-mail me NORMALLADY35@Y... if anyone needs help near my
area id b glad to help ya'll if i can:-) Thank you!! Nan

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