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Welcome Stepping out of the lightly lit bus into the warm spring day you came for a new life no? What was you running away from dear? Was it Hurt? Anger? Pain? Murder? Rape? Are you scared of something and running away? Maybe the police after you baby? Or maybe your just looking for independance? Whatever - your past dosent matter here unless your going to make a big deal out of it. So where you going to go now? Find a house or apartment? Start a buisness? Maybe your looking for a job - im sure whatever your looking for Wickdale will have it. Of you go. Walk that way. I'm sure you can find your way around. Have a nice day. Becoming something else is a new Intermediate/advanced rpg (and for people with mature minds only), based in the present times. Only opened a few weeks ago. It needs active members, and has potential to go far. With constant updates and new boards added, Becoming Something Else is the best place to be. Becoming Something else. Html & Image (c) Squiggle Game (c) Black Arrow. Co-owned by Squiggle. |