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Date Posted: 07:09:19 06/05/05 Sun
Author: .x. ashton
Subject: Misty Moments Zoo - Canine RPG

Misty Moments Zoo was once a thriving wildlife conservation zoo. Sadly, funds ran out and the zoo was closed and abandoned. The residents of the nearby towns decided to use the empty zoo as a place to dump their unwanted dogs. Slowly the population of the wild dogs grew, and territories were created, based on the existing exhibits. Dogs battle for the alphaship of the exhibits as each season passes, miracles happen, emotions are torn, and legends are born. Life has always been and will always be just another challenge. The question is: Can you survive?
|Current Plot|
Now that spring has passed, and all the pups are one full season old, everything is setting back to normal. The wolves have not really bothered anyone, yet. But the wolves have their own ideas on whats going to happen with their little hybrid pups. Chhaya has also grown more agressive, and the bitch's that are being held captive are having the wolves ways rubbed off on them. What will happen next?
|And The Oscar Goes To|
Misty Moments Zoo has been open since February 29th 2004.
We are over a year old, and still going strong.
Owner: Jess
Co-Owners: Shaddie, Tiaga, Gabby
Past Owners: Paige (creator), Kat, Punkhorse

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