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Date Posted: 13:21:45 10/04/03 Sat
Author: Mai'tsa Naverin
Subject: Here she sits all alone in her little corner...

After spending several long moments sitting in the aforementioned corner that she has unofficially declared as officially unofficially hers - it gives her a good view of most of the rest of the Cavern, see - chewing on the tip of her quill and scowling down at the parchment (which is placed on the hard surface of a book, which rests in her lap), she slams the quill down on the parchment. "It's hopeless!" she mutters irritably, shoving parchment, quill, and book into her haversack. Resigned, she looks around the Cavern for anyone to talk to...

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[> "Mai'tsa! Would you please get some water for me." A girl with long blonde hair shouts to her across the room. But her voice is friendly. -- Oricon, 14:48:27 10/07/03 Tue

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[> [> As it just so happens, Mai'tsa's gaze had just landed on the group of people clustered together. So she knows something is wrong, and would have gotten up to go see if help was needed except that the blond-haired girl had called her by name - curious thing, that, as Mai'tsa had never met the girl before, she was sure - and asked her to go get water. Normally she would be asking why; however, circumstances as they are, she merely nods and says, "Ah, sure," and runs off to get some water, reappearing shortly with a bowl about halfway full of clean, warm water. -- Mai'tsa, 00:09:08 10/08/03 Wed

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[> [> [> Thank you here, would you help me clean his wounds? (lets go to Arcus's subject) Thank you once again. -- Oricon, 14:30:36 10/08/03 Wed

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