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Date Posted: 17:52:31 10/14/03 Tue
Author: a healer
Subject: His face softens into a small smile as Arcus quickly improves under the power of the healing stone. The piece of orc blade is carefully set aside, for much can be learned of the particular orcs who made it by those with careful eyes. Even healing stones have their limitations, so the main wound is bandaged to help it heal. The main danger over, the healer moves onto the less critical injuries, caring for each of them from the largest to the smallest. Since he has to concentrate less and Arcus is conscious, he starts talking, "You'll be okay, the danger's over. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you. If you feel up to it, I'm sure that there's lots of people who would like to know what happened." He says, not looking up from his work.
In reply to: Arcus 's message, "Bloody return" on 16:11:53 09/30/03 Tue

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[> Adwen, having done all she can, gladly stands back when the healer arrives. She notices Rustam leave, and realizes that she really can do nothing more for Arcus. She decides that a little exercise is just what she needs, so she heads over to the Rec Cave. -- Adwen, 14:39:49 10/15/03 Wed

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[> [> Mai'tsa as well, having nothing to do and now certain that the worst is over and she has absolutely no business here any more, decides to meander off on Adwen's trail for whatever random reason her mind can come up with. Something else to do...yes, that was it. A wonderful excuse to use for following someone. -- Mai'tsa, 21:21:41 10/16/03 Thu

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