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Date Posted: 14:50:48 10/21/03 Tue
Author: a curious halfling, Catica
Subject: As with Raven, Catica decides to stay and find out exactly what did happen to Arcus that would bring him an orc axe in his side. "This is all very facinating. Please Master Arcus, do tell how you got that strange orc axe in your side."
In reply to: Arcus 's message, "Bloody return" on 16:11:53 09/30/03 Tue

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[> "Well, is anybody going to offer an explanation here? I for one would really like to know why someone would stumble in here with an axe in his side, being orc made none-the-less. If you are up to it Arcus, we would really, really like to hear your story. After-all we all wanted to get you help, so it is the least you can do, what with worrying us and all of that. So please, go on." -- a very short tempered Catica, 14:35:11 10/24/03 Fri

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[> [> Arcus shifts a little to get himself more comfortable. "Well, as I was dreaming a few nights ago, my father's spirit came to visit me. He spoke of an ancestoral sword that my people would go on a hunt for, when their ancestors came to them. He told me that I must go in search of this blade. As I was hunting for the blade, I came upon a group of Orcs, speaking of an attack on this place. I shot three of them before any of them noticed, but there were 20 of them against me. It was too much for me to handle, so I ran off, trying to lose them. Well, I did, but not before being wounded badly. I have been in search of here for three days, and all my herbs have been used, when I finally made it here. Any further, and I might have died." -- Arcus, 13:19:01 10/25/03 Sat

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[> [> [> 'Well then. I suppose I owe you an apology. You have come here to save all of the wonderful people of this colony. I need to get this message to the council. Do you know how many orcs are headed this way? We need to get as much information as possible before going to the council." Catica starts to look worried. She has just gotten to this wonderful colony, and now it is under attack. She mutters under her breath,"Great, everywhere I go seems to have destruction trailing after me. Why is this?" -- The frightened little halfling, Catica, 06:32:14 10/28/03 Tue

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