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Date Posted: 20:31:18 12/23/03 Tue
Author: Virgil
Subject: "Hn... Boring. I wonder..."

Virgil strolled into the cavern looking decidedly introspective... That is, until he found himself holding an object that he was fairly sure wasn't his a moment ago... "Eh, oops." he mumbled quietly, tucking it away for 'safe keeping'. With a somewhat 'overly-cheery' smile, he continues along his way, searching for something to entertain his wandering han-er, mind... ((OOC: Um, hello and all that... Um, am I allowed to welcome myself, or must I feel unloved until I am so welcomed by others? Eh, hang it all... WELCOME ME!!! Okay, I feel better now. I've joined placed like this before, and I've always noticed a tendency for people to, er, be nonexistent in the strictest sense of initiations and hellos and actually getting all the 'newbies' involved. Yeah... If I don't notice a response to this, I don't think I'll mean to return... So, yeah, don't be sticks-in-the-mud. I'm friendly, really... I don't bite, often... Oh, if someone doesn't like Virgil being a clepto, do tell me, and I'll be sure to vacate these cyber-premises immediately. Ta.))

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[> "The young halfling Catica and her pet fox Breema wander into the Cavern and notice a young roguish looking human teen. They wander over to him to introduce themselves. "Hello, my name is Catica Willowbark. This is my fox Breema. How do you do?" The fox comes over to him and sniffs his hand. She then starts purring. "Oh, look, she likes you. So what is your name? Have you been here long? I don't recognise you, but then again I sometimes have a hard time remembering things." She puts out her hand. -- Catica and Breema(the fox), 13:20:30 12/26/03 Fri

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[> [> Someone was talking to him! Wait, was that a good or bad thing?... One way to find out... -- Virgil, 01:10:21 12/29/03 Mon

With a slight raised eyebrow, Virgil bows, offering a hand, for good or ill purposes, even he wasn't sure. "Let's see then... Ah, few things like me, Virgil, my whole life, and I don't really remember you either, although, I have the excuse of being effectively dead to the world most of the time." This one was interesting, maybe he'd have to try and make a conscious effort not to steal from her, then again, she was a bit 'too' cheery...

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[> [> [> Catica takes the hand and shakes warmly. "It is nice to meet you Virgil. So we are both new to each other. What do you like to do Virgil? I personally really like just watching nature and watch what people do with their lives. You could say that I am an observer. And what about yourself?" The fox seems quite interested in sitting back and waiting for the human to do something. In some ways, she is very much like her master. -- Catica and Breema, 09:05:28 12/29/03 Mon

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[> [> [> [> Too trusting, came his quick opinion of her. Hmm... Need to fix that. -- Virgil, 01:05:38 01/02/04 Fri

He offered a somewhat vague smile, gaze drifting rather interestedly to the ceiling. "Hn?..." He blinked a few times, still staring up as his hands employed the five-or in this case, ten- finger discount. He used almost no part of his brain to mentally search over what he could find, only slighting it away if it were particularly interesting or expensive.

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[> OOC: Just so ya know the people who join here have supposedly lived here their whole lives. So unless people want to welcome you OOC, cause when your in char. you're not really new and there's no reason to welcome you. Does that make sense? Oh! By the way welcome to Carnerik. -- :), 08:44:55 12/30/03 Tue

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[> [> OOC: Argh, how dense can one seem?... -- Virgil, 21:22:46 01/05/04 Mon

OOC: Apparantly, you were too afraid to correct me and give me a name to rant at, so, eh, I'm ranting anyway. I never said that Virgil was new to Carnerik, as in he'd never been there before, although he is slightly disoriented when dealing with people because he does not pay attention to diddlysquat half the time. If you had bothered to read my Out Of Character post properly and *not* assume I'm an idiot with no experience or common sense, then you might have noticed that I merely talked about most sites's lack of making newcomers feel welcome. I've been to too many places where newbies are nothing more than names on a list, not actual players. Oh, and welcoming me, anonymous emote, is completely useless, as I cannot thank you if I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Grr... Has no one the guts to speak condescendingly and not fear those they speak to in case of retribution?... If the Admin was after me, or anyone, I'd like to know who I made upset, so I can either stop what I'm doing, explain myself, or tell them why I did nothing wrong... Oy...

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[> [> [> Breathe. -- Yumakami, so that one mightest rant on., 14:50:19 01/06/04 Tue

Hey, I see you finally made your way onto Carnerik. Glad to see that you're as chipper as ever eh, Virgil? Typically, when people are trying to point out little minor things, they'll do it without name. It's expected. What Mr. -- did is normal and quite polite. People don't come to expect one to have experience, and Carnerik is pretty different than most. Newbies aren't ignored unless people can't find a reason to talk to them. It really does depend on the introduction you give yourself.

Anyway, if you choose to argue with moi, either e-mail me or chat to me in person 'cause I hate filling up space (hence putting my message in here). Heaven forbid you can argue with me on site, but it would appear that you've found a fox girl who is more than willing to chat. Be nice, you fiend.

...A Clepto huh? That ought to be interesting. Stop by me if you want to, but if you steal my stuff I'll have to kill you. No hard feelings, just selfish character.

Ta, and enjoy your stay at Carnerik (even though you yourself pointed out that this is your home)!

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[> [> [> [> Hmm... -- Haaden, 20:30:16 01/06/04 Tue

OOC: Sorry I meant no offense. This is the same person (a Ms. not a Mr.) who posted the anon. message above. Since you insist on having a name my char. on this site is named Haaden and like Yumakami said I meant nothing by it. I hope you can forgive me for any insult I may have unintentionally given.

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[> [> [> [> [> OOC: I feel I should explain myself... -- Virgil, 05:30:42 01/07/04 Wed

OOC: *shrug* I've been roleplaying for years, and as such, I've seem some pretty pathetic sites... Most I find, when someone joins, they just join, and are rather ignored until they finally can find a way to jump in, and as the newcomers know nothing of what goes on around them, either they make fools of themselves or don't really enter in. I also find it easier if I know who's talking to me at all times, I don't really mind or care about the politeness of it, if someone yells at me, I want to know who they are, usually just to know who I need to prove myself to, blame my characteristics, or blame my previous bad experiences, it's a quirk of me. That post had just been one on a list of many grievances, and, unfortunately I guess, it was something I could do something about, so I did. I done did Wufei proud, whether or not I should have done it, I think it was one of my best rants ever. It's also a good example of the fact that I don't take things sitting down, done that too much, ran out of patience for it sort of... Eh, I'm done, can't think of anything else to say. Yeah. Ta.

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[> [> [> OOC: well this should be an interesting conversation. We have a cleptomaniac and a halfling with a fox. We really carry little of value. What a strange little conversation -- Catica, 18:14:11 01/07/04 Wed

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[> [> [> [> OOC: Oh? Who are you to deem what is of value to Virgil?... -- Virgil, 20:40:51 01/07/04 Wed

OOC: Catica, It is your turn, and, things Virgil would try for: Things oddly shaped, or heavy, or feeling intricate in any way. But, then again, being a clepto, dear Virgil might take things of no value just for the sake of taking things. Ta.

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[> Catica, while glancing at Breema, notices that her ruby encrusted knife is missing. "what the....where did it go...?" She begins checking about her body and around where she stood, to see if she could uncover where her knife, that she was positive was there a moment ago, would have gotten to without her realizing it. -- Catica, 18:21:38 01/07/04 Wed

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[> [> Strange person... -- Virgil, 05:51:35 01/08/04 Thu

Seeing Catica acting so, in his opinion anyway, unnecessary, he shrugged lightly, and wandered off, humming listlessly and looking about slowly.

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[> Catica and Breema both decide that they could use with a bit of fresh forest air. At that, they head off to the Forest. -- Catica and Breema, 15:50:06 02/04/04 Wed

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