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Date Posted: 08:10:41 11/02/04 Tue
Author: Ellendil
Subject: Campaign Group Sign-up

Hey guys, fate has given me permission to start a group for roleplaying, with me as fate. this is the sign up list. so if you want to join post your character info here. only so many can be in a group so sign up fast. i will put a description of what i plan the line to follow. so check it out! :D
This will be a high adventure group with combat and exploring expected, so make sure your characters are ready for this type of adventure. We have room for 4-5 characters, so post your info below and once we get enough eligible characters i'll post to start the campaign.


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[> Lily (info is inside) -- Lily, 19:38:08 11/02/04 Tue

Name: Lidia (but goes by Lily)
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Physical Description: About 5'7' with short blonde hair. She has dark blue eyes and a roguish (ooc: hope i spelled that right) smile She is well-built, for a girl.
Personality: She has a good sense of humor and can appreciate a good joke (even when it's apon herself). She likes spending time in nature. She prefers to use a broad sword and is rarely caught without it. She is slightly tomboyish and despises wearing dresses. She is a very good singer but slightly shy when it comes to showing off these talents.
Preferred Order: Crystal Shadows

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[> [> aproved, your in. -- ellendil, 21:02:58 11/02/04 Tue

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[> Abigal- my info is also inside -- Abigal, 14:26:14 11/03/04 Wed

Name: Abigal Folaithe
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Physical description: She is a slender young human of slightly below average height. She is trim and has a lot of stregnth in her legs. Because of this she is very quick and nimble. Speed is her advantange in battle. Her hair is a brilliant deep red.(not the orange-red or the bright red, but a dark red) Her eyes are a glittering forest green color. Her features are pretty and she normally has a smile on her face. Her skin isn't really tan, but it's not pale, just a fair color. Her favorite weapon is a pair of gloves that have three retractable claw-like blades on each of them. These gloves have a metal covering on the top that she uses to block blows with (including weapon blows). She fights hand to hand and uses her quickness and endurance to beat her foes. She's not the strongest person in the world and strength battle is her weakness. She has a small tatoo on the back of her left hand of a celtic-like rune. This is usually covered with her gloves. She's had it since she can remember and doesn't know how she got it.
Personality: Abigal is an optimistic person. She tries to see the good in every situtation. She is very friendly and tries to be kind to anyone she meets. She likes to be around people and hates to be alone. She a very dependable friend and will always think of others before herself. Sometimes this gets her into dangerous situations, but she believes that is was for the best.
Preferred order: Moon Riders

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[> [> ok good you two. your both in -- ellendil, 08:27:42 11/04/04 Thu

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[> Dihano (Blue) -Info Inside -- Blue, 15:13:28 11/03/04 Wed

Name: Dihano Lorazrah (Blue)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 14 1/2 (Whoo! Dragon time soon, heh)

Physical Description: A wiry boy, Dihano's a lot stronger than his build makes him seem sometimes. Not particularly tall or dashing, his was a quieter appearance. Dusty-blonde hair is always falling into his eyes, and his limbs always sporting some kind of bruise or scrape. Overall, a fairly unremarkable boy, save for his eyes--the source of his nickname. Yeah, he had his mother's eyes, of vivid cool blue. It made him a terrible liar, in the fact that his soul is clearly visible through those eyes, shielding nothing. Though he's always trying to watch and learn from his surroundings, he has a habit of not meeting the eyes of those who speak to him. Overall, a quiet and odd boy.

Personality: Quiet and observant, there's a good heart beating in his young chest. A little on the "spooky" side ever since his mother's death, he sometimes acts a little too old or a little too young for his age. He's not much for the company of other boys his age, he'd much rather be playing and training off on his own, studying, or in the company of those older than he. Very skilled with a bow or most marksman weapons (throwing weapons), and quite skilled with hand axes or hatchets. Overall, a quiet and brave companion with alot of growing and opening-up to do.

Preferred Order: He dreams of someday serving the MoonRiders...and maybe even the CrystalShadows, if he trains hard enough.

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[> ok, one or two left. .. i can't wait to get this thing started. it should be fun -- ellendil, 18:11:43 11/04/04 Thu

ok, one or two left. .. i can't wait to get this thing started. it should be fun

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[> No kidding. I wish people would hurry up and fill up those final 'seats'. -- BTT, 05:02:18 11/05/04 Fri

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[> Davin's info -- Davin Toreth, 13:49:51 11/05/04 Fri

Name: Davin Toreth
Species: Elf
Gender: male
Age: 19
Physical Description: Blondish hair that is tied back into a short ponytail of sorts (top knot if you know what it is) his bangs hang in front over his bandana and sometimes hide his bright blue eyes. he wears a scarf of sorts over his lower face. he carries swords with which he can fight aptly together along with a lot of other tricks.
Personality: Raised outside of the colony by bandits, Davin has learned a life of hard knocks. after the law dealt with those that provided for davin he stayed to the wilderness and added upon his skills there. He is quick to make a decision when time is lacking but given the time he takes it to make careful decision. quick on his feet he has been raised to fight and use his skills for himself, yet he doesn't seem to fit in with the bandits. he preferes to be alone
Preferred Order: Doesn't really have one
ps. this is one of my older characters. i am using him as an NPC (non-player-character) (the truth is revealed BTT)

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[> Ok Team were going to start now. we still only have 3 cause davin is my NPC character. im just using him to jumpstart us. so i'll post above and you guys can start posting as your characters. by the way i'll now mostly post under the name "GM" ok. -- Ellendil / GM, 13:55:54 11/05/04 Fri

Ok Team were going to start now. we still only have 3 cause davin is my NPC character. im just using him to jumpstart us. so i'll post above and you guys can start posting as your characters. by the way i'll now mostly post under the name "GM" ok.

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[> Ooc: So does that mean I'm not accepted? Couldn't really figure out of that "three" you were talking about was with me included or the NPC. Just wanna know...thanks -- Blue, 08:40:02 11/07/04 Sun

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[> I think the post under Abigail's name is for both her and you. -- Lily, 05:21:25 11/08/04 Mon

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[> OOC: to late to join? if not, Aena's info is inside. Hope I get in! -- the homescool girl (lizzi), 07:18:16 12/06/04 Mon

Name: Aena (Pronounced A-EE-NAH) Longbranch
Species: elf
Gender: female
Age: 15
Physical description: Like most elves, Aena is somewhat tall and long-limbed. She has golden hair that falls in ripples down to her lower back. Her eyes are green most of the time, but when she is sad or angry they will turn gray. She usually wears a full, short-sleeve red dress that has a large slit in the front and back (so that she can ride a dragon) with a black pair of trousers underneath. On her right wrist she wears a wide leather bracelet that covers a strange birthmark that looks like a moon. She usually keeps her hair up in a braid with little wisps of hair kept out to soften her face. Her skin is light tan, Her ears delicately tapered to a point. Her long fingers end with long fingernails. She usually can be found training with her long pole.
Personality: She is happy most of the time and likes to laugh. She spends her free time sitting up in a tree listening to the birds sing. When she is bored or nervous she taps her long fingernails on something hard. She likes the night and likes to sit out under the stars. She loves it when it rains, except at night. Her only pet peeve is people who kill for sport.
Preferred Order: Moonriders or Whitedragons.

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[> [> Okay, I'm a little impationt. sorry, if you don't post in 3 days, I'm leaving.(NT) -- the homeschool girl, 06:20:47 12/27/04 Mon

I'm really sorry but I want to do more then sit around.

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[> [> [> Okay, sorry, I'm going some where else. -- the homeschool girl, 22:00:58 12/28/04 Tue

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[> Hey, sorry we over in the clearing.... if your still interested ill post in the OOC board and come talk to me. -- GM, 07:49:14 01/10/05 Mon

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[> [> no, that's okay. -- the homeschool girl, 17:00:06 01/10/05 Mon

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