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Date Posted: 14:26:14 11/03/04 Wed
Author: Abigal
Subject: Abigal- my info is also inside
In reply to: Ellendil 's message, "Campaign Group Sign-up" on 08:10:41 11/02/04 Tue

Name: Abigal Folaithe
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Physical description: She is a slender young human of slightly below average height. She is trim and has a lot of stregnth in her legs. Because of this she is very quick and nimble. Speed is her advantange in battle. Her hair is a brilliant deep red.(not the orange-red or the bright red, but a dark red) Her eyes are a glittering forest green color. Her features are pretty and she normally has a smile on her face. Her skin isn't really tan, but it's not pale, just a fair color. Her favorite weapon is a pair of gloves that have three retractable claw-like blades on each of them. These gloves have a metal covering on the top that she uses to block blows with (including weapon blows). She fights hand to hand and uses her quickness and endurance to beat her foes. She's not the strongest person in the world and strength battle is her weakness. She has a small tatoo on the back of her left hand of a celtic-like rune. This is usually covered with her gloves. She's had it since she can remember and doesn't know how she got it.
Personality: Abigal is an optimistic person. She tries to see the good in every situtation. She is very friendly and tries to be kind to anyone she meets. She likes to be around people and hates to be alone. She a very dependable friend and will always think of others before herself. Sometimes this gets her into dangerous situations, but she believes that is was for the best.
Preferred order: Moon Riders

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[> [> ok good you two. your both in -- ellendil, 08:27:42 11/04/04 Thu

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