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Date Posted: 19:42:16 09/10/01 Mon
Author: Ecstasy junky, Rum craver...ok, I lost my touch)
Subject: L.O.S.E.R ( Liquor-less, Opium picker, Shroom grower,
In reply to: Caleb (wow i did'nt know it worked like that) 's message, "D.O.R.K (Djarm smoking, Opium toting, Ridulin snorting, special K loving, dork)" on 19:06:35 09/08/01 Sat

Ha, the sad thing is that you did have me going when you said, "Matt pretended as if..." But yes, you are right: keep your day job. And ha, that is pretty damn funny...getting accosted by little white boys on stunt bikes..now that's a new one. Well, aaa, the first day of school is over...152 fucking more days. Thank god Stan was more normal, because I won't survive without him talking about Justin and Britney and their future marital issues. I mean, Ms. Mandell is going to drive me into a wall if I'm not careful, so I need Stan's outrageously assholish demeanor to keep me in check. Yeah, so I hope we have fun in Horlick's history class..should be a blast! Them whole two essays...hope he likes my writing style still. Yeah, I just finished my 402 page book. Aren't you proud? It was actually mildly entertaining, but pretty bad. Oh well...wow, I'm rambling even more than you were, but quite honestly, now that school has commenced and there is less time for Matt to annoy us, we'll probably have less to say. How sad is that! Yeah, so..um, yeah...hope our issue is good and yeah, um...hope my classes are good..and yeah, we should like do that island walk thing..yeah...ok, I have to go read MORE Enlglish. See you for my last time in Religion tomorrow. Farewell my sweet....


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