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Subject: ok i dont know what to put for a subject.

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Date Posted: 20:27:21 03/14/03 Fri
In reply to: Tess 's message, "Yeah, tell me about it.." on 17:03:32 03/13/03 Thu

curtis lived with anns family since he was born (they have like 6 golden retrievers..well 5 now lol) and they just let me take him with when i left because i did most of his training and everybody considered him my dog anyway. tomorrow morning im going out to that stable -crosses fingers- lol i hope it works out..i called ahead and because of my experience they are going to give me a horse they say will keep me on my toes..so im happy about that. i think they said it was a mare, i dont remember her name. shes horse number 17 thats all i know and that she cant jump :( maybe if i go every weekend they will let me teach her. that would be cool, it would bring her value up too as well as give me something to do with the long days here. then again she might be a wretch lol. i dont have aim sorry. i joined under the evils and i think im going to try to cause some mischief so maybe people will get more interested in it lol c-ya later. i named the horse fortune..lol 1 of ann's horses is named that. hes a huge darkbrown/black warmblood-draft cross. he actually has the athleticism of a 60 yr old arthritic man but i love him cuz its obvious he adores ann. i think her parents were looking in to selling him to some kid who trail rides..i hope they didnt he was great. ooh i remembered 1 of ur other questions now. mum wants to either move to cali (tho its kind of expensive to live there w/ the electricity deal) because lots of horse-oriented people live there, or she wants to move back east (where lots of RICH horse-oriented people live lol) but she says she'll move anywhere where theres a job openning where we can live on the property or near it and she can have a really good job with the horses and i can do something too.

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lol me eitherTess10:03:07 03/16/03 Sun

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