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Subject: lol me either

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Date Posted: 10:03:07 03/16/03 Sun
In reply to: Parker 's message, "ok i dont know what to put for a subject." on 20:27:21 03/14/03 Fri

That's really cool about Curtis. Dogs are awesome. I think they're great to have on a farm. Kathy has four dogs - Candy (rat terrior), Si-si (or siara, a dalmation), Rusty - i'm not sure what he is, and the newest - Searg - is that how you spell it? like short for seargent? I don't know.That's awesome about the stable! I'm sure you'll work wonders with her. You have to tell me how it went! I went to the barn yesterday - first time in about 2 months! I felt so missed! Kathy had so much to tell me, and she's all ready trying to sell me another horse! lol, I don't think this one will work out though. His name's Duncan, he's a 9 year old Morgan gelding, green broke. I don't know, I don't think I'm ready to go back to cleaning stalls all the time yet. I'm suppose to go back down to the barn today if I ever get my homework done! I have to clean my room too. blah.
Fortune sounds like an awesome horse, I hope Anns kept him also. I can't join under evils, it bugs me to RP a "bad" horse. lol, call me innocent ::shrug:: I just can't do it. I tried once - but then I had her turn good hehe.
Well, wherever you and your mom decide to settle, I can imagine you'll like it if its got horses around. Well, I guess I should get going, more RPs to check, home work to do, room to clean, and a barn to go to - I've got quite the schedule today! Cya later.

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