Subject: Re: GMCS Pageant |
Veronica Howard
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Date Posted: 15:14:14 10/24/06 Tue
In reply to:
's message, "GMCS Pageant" on 21:30:54 10/01/04 Fri
>I would like applications for a 2 year old and a 5 year old.
Thank you
Applications are available for the 2005 Greater Miss
>Carolina Sweetheart Pageant to be held January 22 at
>Bladenboro Middle School. This is a natural
>pageant---we want little girls to look like little
>girls. This is also a hard working pageant family as
>all of it's proceeds are donated to the Bladen County
>Relay For Life through the GMCS Queens team
>participation in the Relay. All winners are required
>to make appearances and help with the fundraising
>efforts of the team. They are also required to attend
>the BC RFL in May.
>Winners receive round crowns, trophies, crown pins,
>pageant magazines, gift certificates, etc. There are
>also many fun group activities held throughout the
>year such as a Christmas Party, Miss America Party,
>pool party, and we will have several meetings and
>fundraisers...we stay busy!
>We are looking for girls who want more than a crown.
>Our queens work hard. This is a community service
>pageant. We will do the normal pageant stuff, but
>service to others comes first. We also want girls who
>are willing and able to participate in our activities.
>Contestants must live in NC and be willing and able to
>travel to Bladen County for appearances, meetings, and
>This not a preliminary or state pageant, nor are we
>affiliated with any system. We are just a local
>community pageant that works toward giving back to the
>community as well as getting to know each other.
>Joins us in celebrating 10 years of beauty,
>committment, and service!
>Email for an application.
>The reason applications are available so early is so
>that those contestants who wish to start on their
>fundraising efforts can do so. The contestant who
>raises the most money for the BC RFL, which is a
>fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, will be
>crowned GMCS Majestic.
>Fundraising is not required to enter the pageant.
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