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Date Posted: 19:42:43 02/10/02 Sun
Author: Ice/Syphony/Raven/Livian/Sunshine's Kiss/Devil's Tempo
Subject: -lost and found-(super long)
In reply to: dae Vorwand, Silver Storm, and Black Mail 's message, "They return..." on 18:42:49 02/10/02 Sun

-White bulk races across the windblown terrain strong appendages arcing across the packed earth. Jaws parted as he races peircing blue eyes raking the land with the wisdom he held. Drops his haunches and skids slowing to a stop he crow hops quite puppishly and tackles Silver his bark holding a ring of lonliness and excitment and tender love his white bulk cast clumsly ontop of her his tounge rasping across her face claws pressed against the earth on either side his peircing blue gaze leaping with joy. His long plume like tail waving back in forth in the crisp air his whole body vibrating with joy-

~Black beast pads up behind them his black pitless gaze stabbing the two wolves with cold calmness. His mucular form a shimmering color of the ravens wings as he sits back on his powerful haunches muscles rippling over his large bulk his sharp lobes dipped backwards upon his ebony skull in distaste at the happy reunion his teeth bared slightly. His tail laying stiff upon the ground he glances behind him at the two equines and the leapords his face a mask of bordem and coldness~

+THe elegant black femme canters smoothly forward her long rolling gait halting as she reaches them her slimneck curving her silken muzzle tucking against her chest as she prances daintly over to Black Mail her eyes narrowed coyly. She sidles up beside him her muzzle darting out to brush his neck and nuzzle his cheek a whicker vibrating her slim chest her silken tail flagged out over her sleek haunches+

^Leapordess stalks up to the group her silken form like a snakes in its fluidity she sits beside Raven her noble cranium turned slightly watching Ice and Syphony greet the others she rumbles quietly her tail curving up around her smooth form. Her peircing hazel gaze raking all of them and looking away flicking her tail like a dismissal she rumbles again and cocks her hazerl gaze to the sky^

=The smaller leapord prances over to her mother her soft features kitten like though she was an adult her pale eyes like saphires her form slim and like velvet her small ears perked upon her silken head her coat paler then any leapords draws attention as she sits next to her mother the only one to survive of the six after a drastic accident involving a herd of baffalo. Her tail curves around her front leg as she watches everyone=

){The slim femme trots up stopping a few yards away her eyes the color of warm honey her hide like red wine her tail and mane a feathery blonde. Her chisled dial tucked securly against her chest slim appendages braced firmly against the ground.Velvet muzzle tucked against her heart shaped chest her appearance clashing with her name for she was no Devil's Tempo she was much like a angel. Her tail raised high and flagged out waving against the sun casting shadows on the ground her mane frothing along her curved neck she lets out a small whicker of greeting and stands shyly a ways away from them watching with her almond shaped eyes the color of warm honey}(

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