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Date Posted: 19:56:56 02/10/02 Sun
Author: Black Mail, Silver Storm, and dae Vorwand
Subject: home again!
In reply to: Ice/Syphony/Raven/Livian/Sunshine's Kiss/Devil's Tempo 's message, "-lost and found-(super long)" on 19:42:43 02/10/02 Sun

[coffee eyed, ebony steed greets Syphony with a low, gentle whicker, and a brush of the velvety muzzle 'pon her neck and a whuff on the cheek. handsome, thick tail flags and cascades over the steed's rump like a silken, black waterfall, and the long, thick mane is swept back by the tides of the wind. again he has claimed her as his own, and again they are together. (in case ya didnt know dat was Black Mail, capiesh?)]

[the silver wolf, long and sinewy sounds a joyful bark and greets her mate ecstaticly (sp? not quite awake). long, pink tongue caresses the cheek of her mate, and sky blue eyes sweep the area excitedly. again they were all together!]

[both coffee eyed equine and silver canis lupus greet the two leapords and raven wolf with warm greetings, remembering old times, and planning anew.]

[the handsome, golden eyed steed stands apart from the group, eyeing the newcommers cridically but accepting them each with a quiet nod of greeting. his cold golden orbs lock away, revealing no emotions or feelings what so ever. yet they stray for a moment on the new femina, the blood colored one with golden mane and tail, his gaze meets hers for a moment, almost as if it were an agreement, before the steed turns away untrustingly.]

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