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Date Posted: 16:12:13 03/05/02 Tue
Author: Black Mail, dae Vorwand
Subject: Levi, StormingLight, ZANO!!!!
In reply to: Celine 's message, "Re:...A Dream Relived..." on 16:51:21 03/04/02 Mon

(ooc: before I get started...everyone, I have changed my aol sn to Pbdemon69! capeish?)

From the shadows step forth two brutes of native territory. They had come on an expedition of finding equine anew, rebuilding hearts and homes. The slightly smaller masculine raises a finely sculpted cranium, velvety nares flaring wide. Two coffee colored, matching orbs widen, and tulip lobes perk forward ecstaticly. The other tilted his ebony cranium slightly to teh side, watching curiously with cold, golden eyes. The coffee eyed brute took off at a good clip, legs flying, with a snort of nervousness, the toerh followed. They stopped in the folaige, their bodies hidden in teh shadows, and the coffee eyed steed peek around a tree trunk, heart beating. He saw the three arrivals, and his heart leaped. With a cry of joy he lept from the shelter of shdows and raced over to the bunch, accidentally colliding with Zano, he regained his balance and looked down sheepishly, then grinned.


The golden eyed steed calmly walked over, casting an untrusting glance over the group before nodding to Zano. His eyes caught for a moment on the grey mare (Storm). Then a dark, charming voice echoed in her head.

(Are you not Storminglight? Partner of Lath, my sibling?)

Meanwhile...(lol) Black Mail snorted anxiously, head high and a grin plastered on his face. He welcomed back all of them Zano, Levi, and Storminglight, before regaining a "calm" stature. "Would you like to stay in my territory until you find a permanent territory for yourselves?" The golden eyed one snorted, and in a deep, quiet voice, "Do not you think Sir Zano would like to stay with Mistress Celine?" Golden orbs cast a sidelong glance at Celine, a flicker of understanding flaring up in them, before switching back to Levi and StormingLight. "'Tis their mind-made, sir."
Black Mail cast a glance at his partner, then snorted. "Oh yeah...."

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