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Date Posted: 16:24:39 05/13/04 Thu
Author: Andrew (Cologne)
Subject: Yards Per Point

A good measure of a team's ability is its Yards-Per-Point. This is simply the total yards gained on offence, divided by the number of points scored. A low Yards-Per-Point indicates that a team is finishing drives with touchdowns rather than field goals, and is capitalising on turnovers. In effect, a low yards-per-point means a team is taking advantage of good drives and good field position by putting points on the board. A YPP of 16.7 or less is considered good. This means a team is getting, on average, one touchdown per 100 yards of offence.

Here are the YPP for last season (regular season only):-

Orlando 14.9
San Antonio 15.2
Montreal 15.2
Barcelona 15.5
Rhein 15.5
Sacramento 15.6
Scottish 16.0
Berlin 16.7
London 16.7
Mexico 17.1
Birmingham 17.5
Amsterdam 17.7
Frankfurt 17.7
Raleigh-Durham 17.8
Austria 18.0
New York 18.1
Cologne 20.0
Ohio 25.2

All the teams with YPP of 16.7 or less, except London, made the playoffs. None of the teams with YPP over 16.7 did. By this measure, Montreal have a slight edge in the Bowl.

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