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Date Posted: 16:38:39 09/28/04 Tue
Author: schwabra
Author Host/IP: nr1-216-196-215-155.fuse.net /
Subject: High School Senior shot to death

A prayer service was being held this morning at Elder High School,and grief counselors were on hand as the all-boys Catholic school wrestled with shooting death Sunday of 17-year-old senior Maurice Kennedy.
Kennedy, who was one of five siblings and had three cousins living in his home, apparently was trying to break up a fight between two groups of teenagers and young adults when he was shot less than a block from the West Price Hill School.

"When I talked to his mother, that's what she said, and that's what police seem to confirm," Principal Tom Otten said this morning.

"And I could see him doing that. He was a very friendly kid."

Students were to gather at the Elder stadium for a prayer service immediately after homeroom today.

Several schools had offered counselors if Elder needed them, Otten said.

The death has rattled the school, he said.

Even though there are 1,100 students, Elder is a tight-knit community and Kennedy was someone who was known and recognized.

Friends have set up a bank account in Kennedy's name through Fifth Third Bank. Elder will also have a fundraiser to help the family during the school's football game against St. Xavier Friday.

Publication Date: 09-28-2004

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