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Date Posted: 20:34:30 10/11/04 Mon
Author: schwabra
Author Host/IP: nr1-216-196-134-217.fuse.net /
Subject: Living up to dreams

I think this as I take an award off my shelf. Part of the ceremony for receiving this included a speech in which my utopian visions were called dreams, and I therefore "The World's Greatest Dreamer." Well I have not lived up to that.

I still try though. The thoughts of the dreams shared between friends, young friends, and all the time we spent trying to figure out the world.

Now when we do get together it is to speak of how we are dealing with the daily grind, and just getting by. I can't help but wonder if the purpose for getting drunk in college was to water down our expectations before we graduated so we could conform to the positions we would then take.

Is this the only way to live? I say no. Dreams should not have to be given up for adulthood. Maturity shouldn't take away our chasing of youth's rainbows.

These fascists that have forced us to buy into the ideas that would chain us to the merchantile system, buying things, instead of doing things. Wacthing things tailored to amuse, instead of taking part in the stories to be told in the future.

When was the last time we talked about what we DID, not just last night's TV show. I mean how much of the time is devoted to commercials anyway? How much actual entertainment is in an hour now? 30- 35 minutes out of 60? Now the shows are so bad, we even compliment the commercials. Tell me if that should not worry us?

Our lives are ruled by politicians making money off of us while we stay home. And more money off our opinions of those that try to break the mold. All the while telling us that happiness is only in shades of gray, not in the extremes of black and white. While this is a good analogy for old TV's, the new ones have color too. Happiness can also be found in colors! (But they won't tell us that) If we knew how to make a difference, we might end their corruption, and profiteering. We might end the kick backs to the construction of stadiums to house the games played by poor role models for our children, making millions.

We might even see that truth is not one sided. Our happiness can come without hurting others, or interfering with their happiness. If we did this, we could no longer be controlled by the fanning of the flames of petty differences that have been handed down for generations.

Where do dreams go? If we wake up, they can stay with us, and not have to go anywhere.

Try to dream with your eyes open more!

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