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Date Posted: 08:48:12 10/19/05 Wed
Author: schwabra
Author Host/IP: nr19-66-117-225-149.fuse.net /
Subject: I do not think that Christianity was started by a Jew
In reply to: Shoshanna 's message, "Re: The Great Legacy of Alexander" on 23:18:02 10/17/05 Mon

Unless you count the most legalistic sense, but I doubt that Paul was Jewish. I do believe he claimed to be Jewish to strengthen his claims to the religion he was creating.

I think there is more Greek and Roman influences in Christianity than Jewish influences.

The image of an eternal hell is not Jewish. The idea that you should pray to a man is not Jewish. The idea that a man can be God is not Jewish.

To see that the fulfillment of so called Jewish prophecies is a sham, you need go no further than the mistranslations.

Paul did not finish creating the church. After him, the Hebrew writings were combed for prophecies. When one was found, it was used to tell empty spaces in the Christ myth. For example the whole "virgin birth" thing. It was thought that if Jesus was the messiah, any messianic prophecy must be true. If there is not a story, the fact that it must be true allows us to create the story.

Go back to Jewish teachings, not the stuff that confronted Zoroastianism or Christianity. Judaism is a religion of today, not some distant future life.

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