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Date Posted: 06:43:39 01/07/00 Fri
Author: Anonymous

In reply to: 's message, "Wantoks forum seems to have reformed themselves. However....................." on 05:38:32 11/14/99 Sun

Posted by EMMANUEL TOPAZ from on November 12, 1999 at 18:37:00:

A respondent asked recently on the board here what do we know about the missing millions from Bouganville etc , the truth is we know quite a bit. The females involved will want to protected as they lived in pain and dread of losing their jobs in the public service / ministry if they did not follow Wingti's orders to expedite the money out of PNG for various reasons.In consequence we do not want to name them just yet because of the real possibility of physical reactions like bashings, rape or even death as we are not talking about small amounts of money and the perpetrator and his henchmen have their pride to uphold.At a suitable time & place hopefully before 2002 elections these witnesses will step out of the wood work with witness protection in place so they are not afraid to speak the truth.In addition to Wingti's other once greatest supporter other than Jamie Graham his personal courier & money raiser( domestic & international) he actually carved up the votes against Wingti at the last elections due betrayal by Wingti in that his supporters (against Wingti)fielded a heap of canditates which Wingti had to use some of his ill gotten monies to try and get his departing followers back to vote for him but Wingti failed. The guy has told others he gave Wingti a million over a time. If you wonder whether Wingti put that through PDM records I can assure you he did not from very reliable sources. The strategy of fielding more candidates actually worked. Make no mistake Wingti's not happy with Mekere. Ask Bill Skate this question? Did Wingti stay at his Pt Moresby home from time to time on a regular basis before the last elections.They're all as thick as thieves the whole lot of them. Its just a game of musical chairs over who controls the money.They are not personally distressed about Uni students sent home because of fees,hospitals without drugs or prisoners living under appalling conditions. As was stated by Frank Apelis without internatioanal monitors in place with Mekere's new money raising efforts the lot will too easily dissapate into thin air. Bill Skate is adamant that Mekere knew all along about the Governments and country's finanaces and was given a mandate to control it but what happened? The facts are the kina slid back to probably 1960 levels if equated to the national economy then, when Mekere held the reins over Finance or had a significant influence over it. See my next mini reports on Mekere & Arnold Amet. Emmanuel Topaz

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