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Date Posted: 06:41:30 01/07/00 Fri
Author: Anonymous

Mekere has a lot to answer for too - past and present - like the others

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Posted by Emmanuel Topaz from on November 12, 1999 at 20:06:27:
Why is it that we can believe Mekere too?.It wasnt so long ago that Air Nuigini seniors were privately up in arms over the awarding of a very lucrative printing contract to Mekere's wife a direct result they felt because of his political position. Is she a PNG citizen or not or like the Canberra one? I hope the States secrets are safe and if she's not, she's sworn in under our our home grown Constitition. Bill Skate says Mekere's to blame over the financial mess we're all in. Whose right? I know from reliable reports Mekere didn't bother about encouraging a PNG company resulting in over K2.8 million in accumulated losses,the company's closure & precious local job losses. He was reportedly too busy getting ready to dismantle Bill Skate. Who losses ??. Answer the whole of PNG. On top of that Mekere is under a cloud over the DR's allegations of the K800,000 missapropiated Aid monies in the Gulf on a fishing project or have we all forgotten that.Have we forgotten that justice is for one and all. Not the high and mighty or for those at the top to get their own way all the top. Time to pause. As Frank Apelis said. Bring in the international monitors to watch where all the funds end up.Mekere is under Pais and Bill likewise under Pais too.If the monitors can put the brakes on we just might see some badly needed development filter down to the masses as until the next elections I & my collegues strongly feel all the guys past and present in power have their own personal agenda which doesnt include you and me the masses at heart.Right now we're searching for some hidden latent talent to lead us in the next elections. It will happen under a clean sweep before 2002.I have faith in our younger ones coming forward. With Chris and Bill both having nice houses in Australia I trust none of the current guys. Bernard Narokobi - Yes em wanpela tasol. How do the others afford houses overseas.?? Emmanuel Topaz

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