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Date Posted: 06:36:01 01/07/00 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: On PETER YAMA

Subject: PETER YAMA corruption issue-the mysterious yacht...............

I would like to report a fairly reliable story
that was going around Moresby for the last
couple years. It relates to the former
member from Madang, Peter Yama. As you may
recall Mr Yama was Minister of Works when the
Poreporena freeway was being built. The Minister
of Works is a sought after position because
there are so many opportunities to demand
kickbacks which are in effect bribes, but
easily concealed from many prying eye.s
As the readers also probably know, the recent
accusations leveled at Peter Yama from the
acting NCDC administrator does not stand alone.
In the past Mr Yama has been repeatedly accused
of corruption in different forms.

There have been persistent rumours that Mr Yama
accepted a yacht as a direct or indirect bribe
from Curtain Brothers, the constructors of
the Poreporena freeway. As in most of these cases,
the bribe wasn't offered by the company.
Instead, it was solicited with heavy pressure from
Mr Yama. Naturally, Mr Yama could later say this
was a gift not a bribe. He probably would not
be violating any PNG law by accepting gifts. Ethically,
the action is very much out of line and in most
countries would be totally illegal.

I trust that the Mekere Morauta government can
investigate these many aspects of Peter Yama.
Mr Yama talks of himself as a self
made rich man, but the way he made himself rich
in Madang, starting with his security service,
was by threatening local businesses with "trouble"
if they did not cut a deal and hire his security
firm to protect them. This is little different
from the way organised crime operates in
different parts of the world. I know that Mr
Yama operates in this way from personal experience.
This would have happened during the early 1980's.

I suspect Mr Yama has used similar tactics
to further increase his wealth in the "Yama
Group of Companies". The fact that Mr Yama
was able to put roughly K2 million (in old,
more valuable kina) in hard cash on the table
in payment for Smuggler's Inn in Madang is
in itself high unusual. Ethical businessmen
would never carry such cash around, but would
write a cheque. In fact, there is no reason
to pay for businesses like this in cash, if
there is nothing sinister about the source of
the money.

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