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Subject: Stop these sick sites Now!

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Date Posted: 13:01:01 04/13/02 Sat

Dear Christian brothers and sisters,

I am writing to you to ask you to take up arms against two very sick and twisted VoyForum message boards. Both these forums are blasphemous in the highest degree. I have written to Voy Forums and have asked them to remove them. I am writing here to ask each of you to write to VoyForum as well to demand that these sick sites be removed. I will not provide the URLs or glorify the blasphemy, but I will provide the URL as to where they are listed: http://www.voy.com/c/religion_spirituality_unity_life/christianity/

The two sites in question are:

“Jesus was a $%^&&* and &&8%$£“, Mary was a *&^%!!*” [note blasphemy and swearing edited out of the title of this site]
ID No. - #82053


“ol pickers ful jeezus gospil web pag ful bable har”
ID No. - #42312

Looking over the VoyForum agreement these sick sites have failed to keep its rules, which I quote as follows (please point this out to Voy Forums):

"Your forum and the posts in your forum may not contain material of sexually-oriented, adult, pro-racist, pro-hate-related, or harassing nature, posts with excessive profanity, nor may you post warez or software in any form including but not limited to raw, encoded, or encrypted data."
(Source: http://www.voy.com/agreement.html).

Please do not sit back and do nothing. Evil prevails when good men (and women) do nothing. Why should we stand by and let some twisted sick individuals mock our Lord? Muslims would not stand for it, so why should we?

In Jesus Name,

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