Billy Bubba ORyen
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Date Posted: 13:48:58 07/14/02 Sun
Deer christian brothers. I thing yu gut your selfs a reel good wib site har. I like what you say and I agree with every thing. That's why I have this terrific offer jist for yu.
Trailer park for sale. Ideal for starting or relocating a seculded christian community. Safe and secure from all dem big city slikkers and other god haters. 100 space mobile home park in Reno, Nevada. Beautiful park with excellent freeway exposure to Interstate 509. 17 acres. Well water, municipal sewer. Rents from $29 to $389 per month, includes water, sewer, and trash. Property is fairly flat, with slight slope. Easy access. Mostly singlewides, 10-15 doubles. Only few vacancies, but the contract allows to shut the sewer system off for a month if you wanna get the current residents to relocate. A christian park with strongly enforced family values. Needs some cleanup. Paved and unpaved roads. Laundry room. Big pool, ice cream shop and a clubhouse. Close to Wal-Mart, BigK-Mart, Wonder bread bakery, AutoZone, several dollar stores, Thrifty Motel, and a gun shop. Make offer subject to reviewing financial info, physical inspection etc. Email: call 877-homes-4u, ask for Billy Bubba or Barbi Jo.
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